Pages from a KS2 scheme of work, produced as part of an education outreach project.
Reconstruction of a Roman burial using Blender and Photoshop

Small diorama of Roman pottery being stored for transportation using Blender and Photoshop.

Reconstruction of Iron Age hunting using Blender and Photoshop.

Reconstruction of Iron Age foraging created using Blender and Photoshop.

Reconstruction of Iron Age foraging created using Blender and Photoshop.

Small diorama showing a saddle quern and rubber in use. Created using Blender and Photoshop.

Reconstruction of a Roman pottery kiln created using Blender and Photoshop.

Reconstruction of an Iron-Age weaving loom. Created using Blender.

Reconstruction of an Anglo-Saxon Longhouse using Blender.

Viking longship reconstruction using Blender, Daz and Photoshop

Viking longship reconstruction using Blender, Daz and Photoshop

Viking longship reconstruction using Blender, Daz and Photoshop.

Reconstruction of Petuaria Roman Fort created using Blender and Photoshop
Small diorama as part of a larger reconstruction using Blender, Daz 3D and Photoshop.

Small diorama as part of a larger reconstruction using Blender, Daz 3D and Photoshop.

Reconstruction of a Crannog using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of late prehistoric settlements around Inverness - for AOC Archeology  |
Reconstruction of a Roman burial using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of Battle of the Teutoburg Forest using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Roman pottery Kiln, using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Roman fort gateway using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Roman fort gateway using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Roman fort gateway using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Roman Turret using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Roman Turret using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Roman Milecastle using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Roman Milecastle using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Crannog using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Crannog using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Crannog using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a Crannog using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of a small market scene, create using Blender, Daz 3D and Photoshop.

Reconstruction of Iron age dwelling using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of Iron age dwelling using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction of the building of Hadrian's Wall (after English Heritage)

Reconstruction using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction using Blender and Photoshop

Reconstruction using Blender and Photoshop

Plan created for Asembling Past Worlds (by Oliver Harris)

Character design of Lepidina, created for The Vindolanda Trust.

Character design of Tagomas, created for The Vindolanda Trust.

Character design of Tagomas and his "wife", created for The Vindolanda Trust.

Plan created for visitor guide book.
Plan of Hadrian's Wall and its environs.

3D model of the Temple of Saturn in the Roman Forum in situ

Figure showing the construction method for a Roman timber bridge.

Reconstruction of a Roman Barrack block

Reconstruction of a Roman Barrack block with cut away

A reconstruction of a Roman barrack block, base on the site plans from Clayton's excavations

A reconstruction of 4thC. Birdoswald. (Created for The book, End of Empire, by Rob Collins)

Image created for KS2 scheme of work

Image created for KS2 scheme of work

A reconstruction of Brocolita Mithraic Temple on Hadrian's Wall
A plan of Viking raids on England.
A reconstruction of a milecastle.
A reconstruction of Brocolita Mithraic Temple on Hadrian's Wall. (After Peter Urmston, English Heritage).

A reconstruction of the bathhouse at Vindolanda Roman Fort.

A reconstruction of Chesters Roman Fort using based map to locate key features.
A reconstruction of a milecastle.
A reconstruction of the temple of Bacchus, Baalbek, Lebanon.
A plan of the North of Roman Britain showing major sites.
A reconstruction of the temple of Evora in Portugal.
A reconstruction of a milecastle.
A reconstruction of a grannary at Arbeia Roman Fort.
A reconstruction of a section of Hadrian's Wall.
A reconstruction of a Roman Watchtower.
A reconstruction of a section of Hadrian's Wall.
A reconstruction of a Roman Milecastle.
A Reconstruction of the Principia at Houseteads in the 4th C. (Created for The book, End of Empire, by Rob Collins)

A reconstruction of Vindoland Roman Fort inthe 4th C. (Created for The book, End of Empire, by Rob Collins)

A reconstruction of an Iron-Age settlement at Pegswood, Northumberland (Created for a book cover)

A reconstruction of the Newcastle Keep in the 12C. (Used in the Castle Keep guidebook, postcards and City Heritage displays)

A reconstruction of a roman latrine, from Arbeia.
A reconstruction of a Roman Market.  |
A reconstruction of a Roman Watch Tower.  |
Recent Display panels.